Monday, March 11, 2013

Celebration of Life!

Movie Review: The Impossible

Before you read any of my movie reviews I must warn you - I talk about the whole thing, so if you haven't seen the movie yet, and if you don't want to know the ending, my reviews are not for you :)

Also, why am I choosing flowers for this blog, when this blog is about a tsunami in a tropical place?  Well, this blog post is about celebrating life!  Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim has taught me from day one, that
we need to celebrate every living breath we have, as if it was our last one - because it could well be!  She taught me early on that I need to appreciate, and celebrate every moment, every second of my life!

The movie "The Impossible" made a big impression in me - because it was a real life story.  This really happened!
There was so much that truly impressed me, so much I gained.  For example, in the beginning, on the airplane, the husband was soooo worried about whether they did or didn't lock their house.  By the ending of the story, they couldn't have cared less, as long as they had each other!
And also on the airplane, the oldest son didn't want to sit next to his siblings, he said they were bugging him and he wanted to be left alone.  And yet, by the end of the movie, those same brothers were incredibly precious to him!

Of course, there was so much in this movie, I could write a book about it.  But the things that touched me most:
1. the mother, no matter how badly hurt she was and how much she was suffering, always cared for others and insisted on saving the little boy, and insisted on Lukas helping out in the hospital.  This reminds me of Dr. Tae Yun Kim, who always, no matter how she feels, no matter if she's tired or sick, she always helps others, always thinks of others first before she will think about herself.

2. the father tirelessly looking for his wife and oldest son, even going so far as to putting the littlest son into his middle son's care.  And the middle son saying, he couldn't do it because he had never done it before - and then the father telling him basically he didn't have a choice - and how with pride the little guy started to watch his brother....

3. I will never forget the beautiful reunion scene, when the two little brothers recognize the voice of their big brother, when they jump off the truck and run like crazy to get to him.  The sheer determination, that look on their faces - it might only have been intended as a small part of the movie, but to me, that scene said it all. 
That they were going to cherish each other for the rest of their lives, that at that moment, nothing was more important, not even breathing, than getting to their brother.  It brought tears to my eyes.

I know - there is so much I am not saying, so much that went on.  This is only a small sampling of the things that impressed me the most with this movie.