Monday, February 25, 2013

Back to this Blog

It's been a long time since I have written in this particular blog, and Blogger even removed my original content.
But, I am back! 

I thought I would start with a movie review, and why I think movies are great.
I always liked going to the movies as a kid.  It was something very special.  I grew up in Austria, very poor family, and going to the movies happened maybe three times a year.
We went for the whole experience, but it was strictly for entertainment and nothing else.

When I started training in the Martial Arts under Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim, and went to see a movie with her and a group of other students, I still thought movies were for entertainment and fun.

So, when after the movie she asked me what I learned from watching the movie, my jaw dropped.  Learned from the movie?  I was supposed to "get something out of it" more than the pleasure of the moment?  What a concept!

For Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim, everything is a learning and growing opportunity, whether on the DoJang floor, or in the Mall, or movie theater.  She also says, "If you can think it, you can do it!" 

And aren't movies the perfect example for this?

Without further ado, here is my (very opinionated) view of Oscar winner "Argo."

Let me begin with "I LOVED IT!!!"

I like movies based on actual events.  I love movies that also have a happy ending.  I love movies that have me at the edge of my seat the entire time through.  This one fit everything.

It started with a group of 6 very brave people, that knew what they needed to do, although they didn't have much of any plan or knowledge - but they had the guts and drive to get out of the Embassy and find a safe place.

I admired the honor and integrity of the Canadian Ambassador who let the 6 Americans stay.

I admired the honor and integrity of the Iranian maid, who did not betray the 6 Americans, at the risk of her own life.

And I very much admired the main character, who did what he knew was right, even though it was against what the authorities told him to do, and was risking his own life.  He knew he could not just leave the 6 people behind, leave them to die one way or another. He didn't care that he wouldn't ever get credit for his heroic actions.  He didn't care that the Canadians got all the credit for what he did.  He simply was going to save those people's lives, and he did, no matter what.  He is a true hero.

One man CAN AND WILL make a difference.  There is no such thing - "I am only one, what I do doesn't ever make a difference."  Wrong!  One person can, and does make a difference.  And having the right support team, that knows when and how to push through any and all obstacles, makes all the difference between success and failure.  He had a team that didn't take no for an answer and used incredible awareness and creativity to do what they had to do.

So, if you haven't seen it yet - go do it!  I thank God every day for being a US Citizen today, and for all the opportunities I have in this great country.

So, go and see for yourself - maybe you like it as much as I did.
And for the record, I think the Oscar is well deserved!

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